A 22-year-old farmer named Shubhkaran Singh was allegedly killed during police action against agitating farmers on the Punjab and Haryana border. Despite his death occurring in Haryana, his body has been lying in a mortuary, with neither state lodging an FIR or starting an investigation. Both Haryana and Punjab Police are claiming jurisdiction over the case, leading to a deadlock. Farmer bodies continue to demand action from the Punjab Police, who have yet to take any steps. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has promised strict action against those responsible for Shubhkaran’s death but no progress has been made. The Punjab Police have considered the possibility of registering a zero FIR, but legal implications are causing delays. Opposition parties and farmer leaders have criticized the chief minister for his alleged inaction and silence on the matter. Shubhkaran’s family rejected the CM’s offer of compensation, stating that they want justice through the registration of a case. The issue has also been raised in the Haryana Assembly by the Leader of the Opposition, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, questioning the delay in the postmortem of the deceased farmer. The Punjab Police’s lack of action and the jurisdictional conflict between the two states have become sticking points in the case.