RJD MP Manoj Kumar Jha accused Chief Minister Nitish Kumar of having no vision and stated that Lalu Yadav decided to support him in 2022 after he claimed that the BJP was trying to destroy his party. Nitish Kumar previously joined and left alliances with the BJP and the Mahagathbandhan, earning him the nickname “Paltu Ram” from Lalu Yadav. In the 2020 election, the JD(U) was reduced to 43 seats in the 243-member assembly while the BJP got 74. MP and Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) president Chirag Paswan was accused of hurting the JD(U) by fielding candidates against them.
Jha defended the Mahagathbandhan, stating that it was not a mistake because they wanted to protect Nitish Kumar from the BJP and that the alliance gave Lalu’s son Tejashwi Yadav the opportunity to execute his ideas. He praised Tejashwi for providing jobs and improving education in Bihar, and accused the BJP of using the Enforcement Directorate to pressure Nitish into rejoining their alliance. RJD leader Chandrashekhar also made similar claims.
After Nitish rejoined the NDA, the JD(U) blamed three RJD leaders for the strained relationship between the parties. Chandrashekhar defended himself against the accusations, stating that he had not said anything wrong and that Tejashwi Yadav had improved education standards in Bihar.