The Congress government in Himachal Pradesh led by Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu is facing dissent from some MLAs, which could affect the party’s chances in the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections. Former minister Sudhir Sharma and Sujanpur MLA Rajinder Rana, who were expecting cabinet positions, have expressed dissatisfaction with Sukhu. The BJP has fielded Harsh Mahajan against Abhishek Manu Singhvi of the Congress in the elections.
Sharma and Rana have been seen together at various events recently, indicating their alliance. Rana, who defeated former chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal in the 2017 elections, had joined the Congress in 2014. Both MLAs have brought attention to delays in recruitment test results and job promises made by the government.
The issue of cabinet berths came up in the assembly, with Sukhu mentioning the availability of one vacant post. While Sharma stated that he is content with being an MLA and does not aspire for a cabinet position, Rana refused any offer of a cabinet berth, citing the need for proper representation of his constituents.
HPCC president Pratibha Singh acknowledged the concerns raised by Sharma and Rana, indicating that their issues remain unresolved. Another senior Congress leader cautioned that the party should take the dissent seriously, especially with upcoming elections, as dissidence may continue for a while.
The BJP’s choice of Mahajan as their candidate for the Rajya Sabha polls has also caused some concern within the Congress camp. Mahajan, a former Congress leader who recently joined the BJP, is seen as a strong contestant. Former CM Jairam Thakur raised the issue of fielding an outsider like Mahajan, while the latter expressed confidence in winning the election.
CM Sukhu remains confident about the Congress’s victory, citing the majority support from MLAs and independents. With 40 Congress MLAs in the 68-member Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha, along with three independent MLAs, the party believes they have a strong chance of securing the seat.
Overall, the dissent within the Congress party in Himachal Pradesh, coupled with the BJP’s strategic move in fielding Mahajan, adds uncertainty to the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections. Despite the challenges, both parties are gearing up for a tough competition to secure the seat.