The government has issued an advisory to all platforms to comply with IT rules in order to address concerns over deepfakes and misinformation powered by AI. The advisory mandates that intermediaries communicate prohibited content specified under IT Rules clearly and precisely to users, including at the time of first registration and as regular reminders. Platforms must also ensure that users are aware of the penal provisions of the Indian Penal Code and the IT Act in case of violations. Additionally, the advisory emphasizes the need for platforms to report legal violations to law enforcement agencies under relevant Indian laws. Rule 3(1)(b) of the IT rules mandates intermediaries to communicate their rules, regulations, privacy policy, and user agreement in the user’s preferred language and to prevent users from hosting, displaying, uploading, modifying, publishing, transmitting, storing, updating, or sharing any information related to prohibited content.
The Union Minister has convened meetings with industry leaders to address the issue of deepfakes, emphasizing the urgency for platforms and intermediaries to adhere to current laws and regulations. He has highlighted the threat of deepfakes to the safety and trust of internet users and pointed out the provisions of the IT rules that address the menace of deepfakes. The Minister also noted that the IT rules prohibit the dissemination of misinformation and patently false information, and platforms have been informed about the legal consequences of violations. The government’s mission is to ensure that the internet is safe, trusted, and that all intermediaries are accountable under the law for the safety and trust of users.