In the lead-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, various media outlets and polling agencies are conducting opinion polls to gauge voter intentions. Prime...
The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) farmer wing Kisan Morcha is planning to carry out an extensive awareness campaign to educate farmers about the welfare...
The Election Commission has revoked the Telangana government's permission to distribute financial aid to farmers under the Rythu Bandhu Scheme, dealing a blow to...
The 2018 general elections in Pakistan saw former prime ministers Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan both declaring victory, despite being opposition candidates. The Free...
Telangana is gearing up for the upcoming elections, with Congress, BJP, and the ruling BRS competing for the win. The aggressive campaigning by these...
The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are quickly approaching and there are big developments taking place in the political scenario of the country. Former Andhra...
The upcoming Telangana elections have garnered significant attention, with a three-way contest between Congress, BJP, and the currently-ruling BRS. All three parties have been...
The author shares their personal experience of being in a 12-year relationship, six years married and six years in a live-in relationship, and explains...
The state of Telangana is gearing up for elections, with a three-way contest between the Congress, BJP, and the currently-ruling BRS. The aggressive campaigning...